How to make a laundry detergent with liquid Marseille soap?

Respect for the environment and the quest for healthy alternatives for our homes are prompting us to rediscover traditional products with multiple uses. Among them, liquid Marseille soap stands out for its ecological virtues and recognized effectiveness, particularly in the manufacture of laundry detergent. This time-honored soap, made from natural ingredients, is an invaluable ally in laundry care. Enrich your household know-how by discovering how to make a liquid Marseille soap-based laundry detergent that's both economical and environmentally friendly.

First, it's necessary to understand the properties of Marseille soap, from its composition to the benefits it provides for washing clothes. Then, preparing the ingredients for the detergent requires a careful choice of liquid Marseille soap and the selection of natural complements. Finally, the manufacturing steps, from mixing the components to storage and use advice, will be detailed. Learn how to create your own detergent by following a guide to making a multi-purpose cleaning spray based on liquid Marseille soap, a simple approach to obtaining a laundry product that respects your health and the environment.

laundry detergent based on liquid Marseille soap

Understanding the properties of liquid Marseille soap

Composition and ecological benefits

Liquid Marseille soap is an ancestral product, renowned for its simple, natural composition. Made from vegetable oils such as olive and palm, it contains no artificial colorants, perfumes or preservatives. This purity gives Marseille soap undeniable ecological virtues: biodegradable and non-polluting, it respects the environment while being gentle on the skin. For eco-responsible people in search of a healthier, more virtuous lifestyle, liquid Marseille soap becomes an essential ally in the homemade production of laundry detergents.

Advantages for laundry

Using liquid Marseille soap in laundry offers a multitude of advantages. In addition to its positive impact on the environment, it is distinguished by its effectiveness in deep cleaning textile fibers without damaging them. Thanks to its hypoallergenic and grease-removing properties, it's an ideal solution for sensitive people, helping to preserve colors and prolong the life of fabrics.

Preparing detergent ingredients

Choosing the right liquid Marseille soap

Creating a homemade detergent begins with the crucial choice of liquid Marseille soap. It's essential to choose an authentic product, free from animal fats or chemical additives that could alter the quality and integrity of your laundry. Choose a liquid soap containing at least 72% vegetable oils, for effective, gentle cleaning. You should also check the soap's origin to ensure that it respects traditional manufacturing methods, thus guaranteeing a perfect base for your detergent.

Selection of natural supplements

Once you've chosen your soap, it's time to select the additives that will enrich your laundry and increase its benefits tenfold. Baking soda is a must: this multi-purpose white powder not only softens the water, but also enhances the soap's cleaning action while neutralizing stubborn odors. As for essential oils, they're not just olfactory vectors; they also contribute their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Choose lavender for a soothing note, lemon for its purifying freshness or Scots pine for its invigorating breath. However, if you intend to use your detergent for children's clothes, omit these aromatic extracts to avoid any risk of allergy.

The synergy between liquid Marseille soap and natural ingredients creates the perfect alchemy for an effective, eco-friendly home detergent. The simplicity of the ingredients combines with their formidable effectiveness against stains, while caring for textile fibers and our planet.

Steps for making liquid Marseille soap detergent

Mixing the components

The art of transforming Marseille soap shavings into a homemade liquid detergent lies in the simplicity and authenticity of the process. Start by placing 60 g of shavings in the bottom of a 2-liter container. Then pour in a liter of hot, simmering water to begin dissolving the shavings. Vigorous stirring is necessary to obtain a homogeneous solution. Continue by gradually adding the second liter of water, this time cold, while continuing to shake your container vigorously.

It's in this ballet between hot and cold that the magic happens, transforming the shavings into a washing potion ready to embrace your textiles. For those who want to further soften their laundry and boost cleaning power, carefully stir in two tablespoons of baking soda. And to complete your olfactory work, delicately drop in 20 drops of essential oils chosen for their benefits and fragrance.

Advice on storage and use

A simple gesture is essential for optimum detergent conservation: before each use, shake the can to restore the mixture's homogeneity if it has become out of phase during storage. To use, precisely measure out 100 ml of the mixture and pour it into the dispenser drawer, or use a dosing ball to place it directly into the laundry.

This handmade detergent is not just a household act; it's a commitment to greater autonomy and respect for our environment. It's particularly gentle on fragile fabrics such as silk and wool, and ideal for wrapping babies' clothes in a hypoallergenic bubble free from irritants and allergens. So armed, you're ready to tackle your daily chores while preserving your health and that of our blue planet.

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