Terms & Conditions

The company PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL, owner of the https://.panierdessens.com website, is registered in the Marseille Trade Register under number 820 053 304 00045. Its head office is located at parc st-Antoine, bd Jules Sébastianelli- 13011 Marseille, its e-mail address is [email protected]its telephone number is, its tax identification number is FR43820053304. The present conditions of sale apply, without restriction or reservation, to all orders placed on the www.panierdessens.com website. Consequently, the fact that the customer orders a product offered for sale on the www.panierdessens.com website implies full acceptance of these general terms and conditions of sale, which the customer acknowledges having read prior to ordering. The customer declares that he/she has the legal capacity to place an order, i.e. has reached the age of majority and is not under guardianship or trusteeship. PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL reserves the right to adapt or modify these terms and conditions of sale at any time. In the event of modification, the general sales conditions in force on the day of the order will be applied to each order.


Pursuant to article l.111-1 of the French consumer code, the customer has the right to view detailed information as regards the essential characteristics of the products they wish to order prior to placing the order. The products proposed for sale on the present website at the address www.panierdessens.com constitute the offer of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL. Panier des sens retail SARL reserves the right to modify its collection at any time and to change its product list and product ranges. Product photos presented on our website are not contractually-binding.


The selling price of the products specified in euros vat-inclusive (value added tax included) is the price in effect at the time the order is placed. These prices do not include shipping costs which are invoiced in addition to the price of the products purchased pursuant to the terms and conditions specified hereinafter and as mentioned to the customer prior to confirming the order. Prices may be modified at any time. They include the vat applicable on the date of order. Any change in the applicable rate may be duly applied to the product prices.

Product availability

We make every effort to ensure product availability. Information on product availability is provided to the customer at the time of order. If a product included in the order is not available at the time of order picking, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL will automatically send an email to the customer.
In this case, the customer may:
  • Wait (except in the case of a product on sale, a product permanently out of stock or a limited edition product);
  • Replace the unavailable product by a product of the same price (except in the case of a product offered free of charge); [return shipping costs after a customer has exercised their right of withdrawal are, in this case only, payable by PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL];
  • Receive the rest of their order without the unavailable product, the amount will therefore be deducted from the order total and the customer will not be invoiced (except in the case of a product offered free of charge).

How to order

PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL offers you the opportunity to order using the ordering option which suits you best, in order to better satisfy you.
Via the website
  • Payment can be made by credit card, paypal or gift card.
  • The customer may check the details of their current order and correct any errors if necessary.
  • When the customer confirms their order, they acknowledge they have fully taken note of the general terms and conditions of sale prior to confirming the order and explicitly declare they accept them when they check the box “I have read and accept the General Terms and Conditions of Sale”.
  • The sale will be considered as final when the customer confirms the order, without prejudice to the customer being able to exercise their right of withdrawal. This order will be confirmed by PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL via an email sent to the customer.
  • A second email will be sent to the customer once the order has been shipped. Panier des sens retail SARL advises the customer to keep these two emails printed on a paper medium or saved in a computerized version. The customer is informed that the two emails will be sent to the email address they entered when creating their customer account/logging in prior to placing the order. As such, in the event that the email address concerned has been incorrectly entered by the customer or they did not receive the order confirmation email, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL cannot be held liable.
  • PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL will be entitled to collect the entire amount of the order as soon as the email informing the customer that the order has been shipped has been sent. In the event that deliveries are split, only the products shipped will be debited.
  • By phone on +33 (0) (local call rate) from Monday to Thursday from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm, friday from 9am to 1pm.
  • Payment may be made by credit card. The customer is invited to prepare their order and to have their credit card on hand when calling.


The fact of validating the order implies for the customer the obligation to pay the indicated price. For purchases of products on the www.panierdessens.com website, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL accepts payment by credit card (secure payment). Payment is also possible by Paypal or gift card.


Data and payment security

Payments on this website are made by bank card using a secure payment system. This website secures your confidential data via a VeriSign SSL certificate. The data exchanged is as such encrypted with ssl (secure socket layer) before being transmitted. As this data is illegible, no-one can use it without your knowledge. To increase the security of your bank data, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL does not retain it. This is why you have to transmit it to us each time you place a new order. Panier des sens retail SARL reserves the right to suspend or cancel any order and/or delivery in the event of non-payment by the customer, a payment incident and/or fraud in the use of the website or means of payment selected by the customer.


Transaction check

As part of its order checking service, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL may contact the customer by any means, in order to validate a transaction and may, if required, ask for any supporting documents deemed useful (relating to identity, and/or place of residence and/or the means of payment used). The customer must provide the supporting documents requested within 15 (fifteen) business days of receipt of the request from PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL. The customer is informed that the delay, failure or refusal to transmit the supporting documents requested will result in the cancellation of the order by PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL. On receipt of the supporting documents and in the event of confirmation of the order by PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL, the time taken by the customer to transmit the documents requested will delay the delivery of the product(s) ordered by the same number of days.


Delivery time

The maximum order dispatch time is 7 working days from order confirmation. These lead times apply from the moment you place your order before 1:00 pm, for items in stock. (1) for Corsica: transport time may be extended by 1 to 2 working days. The different delivery rates can be consulted on our website by clicking on the following link: https://panierdessens.com/livraison.

In the event of a delay in delivery exceeding 30 business days after the maximum delivery date specified at the time of the order for the delivery of the products, the customer has the option of cancelling their order via PANIER DES SENS customer service within a maximum period of 60 (sixty) business days from the date the maximum delivery date specified at the time of order for the delivery of the products has been overrun, except if this delay in delivery is due to a case of force majeure.

the order may be cancelled by:
  • e-mail to the following address: [email protected]
  • Phone: +33 (0) (local call rate) from monday to thursday from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm, friday from 9am to 1pm.

The customer must check the conformity of the goods delivered at the time of delivery.

If, at the time of delivery, the original packaging is damaged, torn or open, the customer must check the condition of the items. If they have been damaged, the customer must refuse the parcel and note a reservation on the delivery note (parcel refused because opened or damaged).


Returns and exchanges

Panier des sens retail SARL reserves ownership of the products delivered until full payment of the order. For any return or exchange, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL invites the customer to address their request to the customer service, at the latest within 10 (ten) days of delivery, which will indicate the procedure to follow and issue a return slip to be filled in.


Return by exercising right of withdrawal

Right of withdrawal is applicable to non-professional natural persons. The customer may change their mind and cancel their order for any reason within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of the products by sending the following standard withdrawal form to PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL:

"To the attention of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL, parc d'Activité Saint Antoine, boulevard Jules Sébastianelli- 13011 Marseille - France. [email protected] I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of the following goods (*)/provision of the following services (*): ordered on (*)/received on (*): name(s) of consumer(s): address(es) of consumer(s): signature(s) of consumer(s) (only in the case of notification of this form on paper): date: (*) delete as appropriate."

If the customer chooses to cancel their order, they have a period of 7 (seven) days from the date they notify PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL of the exercise of their right of withdrawal to return to PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL, at their own expense, the products subject to the exercise of the right of withdrawal as well as any promotional gifts linked to these products (insofar as the conditions for granting these gifts are no longer met given the withdrawal) in perfect condition. Panier des sens retail SARL will not reimburse return shipping costs and, failing return, reserves the right to invoice the costs incurred in recovering the said products.

Reimbursement of the sums paid by the customer, with the exception of the return shipping costs, will be made within 30 (thirty) days of the date on which the right of withdrawal was exercised, using the same means of payment as used for the order.

In the event of difficulty or incident, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL invites the customer to contact its customer service directly. Returns for other reasons any product return which is not related to exercising a guarantee or the right of withdrawal, in particular in the event of product defect, must be subject to formal agreement between the customer and PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL. It will lead, if applicable, to the creation of a credit note for the benefit of the customer. Return shipping costs will be payable by the customer.

Return procedure

In all cases, products must be returned in their original packaging, along with the promotional gifts sent in the order, if any, without having been used, accompanied by the duly completed return slip. 1. Request a return slip from the customer service 2. Complete the return slip 3. Attach the return slip to your package 4. Send your package to the following address: PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL Parc d’Activités St-Antoine, Boulevard Jules Sebastianelli - 13011 Marseille, FRANCE.


Customer service & to contact us

  • by e-mail: [email protected]
  • by phone: +33 (0) (local call rate) from monday to thursday from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 5pm, friday from 9am to 1pm. • PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL Parc d’Activités St-Antoine, Boulevard Jules Sebastianelli - 13011 Marseille, FRANCE.

Risk transfer

The customer will bear the risks related to the goods upon receipt thereof. Also any loss and/or damage to the delivered goods occurring after delivery of the said goods will be payable by the customer.


Legal product guarantees

Seller liability - guarantees the products provided by the seller benefit from: - the legal guarantee of conformity for defective or damaged products or products which do not correspond to the order; - the legal guarantee against hidden defects in the event of a hidden defect existing at the time of purchase and rendering the product unfit for its intended use. Provisions relating to legal guarantees: article l.217-4 of the French consumer code: the seller will deliver goods which comply with the contract and is liable for any compliance defects in existence at the time of delivery. The seller is also liable for any compliance defects resulting from the packaging, assembly or installation instructions whenever the seller is responsible for these under the contract or they have been performed under the seller's responsibility. Article l.217-5 of the French consumer code: in order to comply with the contract: 1° the goods must be fit for the purpose usually expected of such goods and, where applicable: - correspond to the description provided by the seller and have with the qualities which the seller presented to the buyer in the form of a sample or model; - present the qualities which a buyer can legitimately expect given the public declarations made by the seller, by the producer or by their representative, in particular in advertising or on the labelling; 2°or present the characteristics jointly defined by the parties or be fit for any special purposes sought by the buyer, brought to the attention of the seller and accepted by them. Article l.217-12 of the French consumer code: action resulting from compliance defect is limited to two years from the date the goods are delivered. Article 1641 of the French civil code the seller is obliged to guarantee against hidden defects in the item sold which may render it unfit for the use for which it is intended, or which may diminish this use to the extent that the buyer would not have acquired it or would have paid a lower price if they had been aware of the defect. Article 1648 paragraph 1 of the French civil code action resulting from hidden defects must be taken by the buyer within two years following the date the defect is discovered. In order to assert their rights, the customer must inform the seller, in writing (email or postal mail), of the non-compliance of the products or the existence of hidden defects as soon as they are discovered. The seller will reimburse or replace the products under guarantee which are found to be non-compliant or defective. Shipping costs will be reimbursed on the basis of the invoice rate and return shipping costs will be reimbursed on presentation of supporting documents. Reimbursements or replacements of the products deemed non-compliant or defective will be made as soon as possible and at the latest within 30 (thirty) days from the date the seller acknowledges the non-compliance or hidden defect. This reimbursement may be made by bank transfer or by bank cheque. The seller cannot be held liable in the following cases: - non-compliance with the legislation of the country in which the products are delivered, which the customer is responsible for checking, - in the event of misuse; use for professional purposes, negligence or lack of maintenance on the part of the customer, such as in the event of normal wear and tear of the product, accident or force majeure, - photos and illustrations presented on the site are not contractually-binding and the seller cannot be held liable. Panier des sens retail SARL reminds its customers that PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL products must be stored away from humidity, too high temperature or too much light and may be subject to an expiry date. Products which have not been stored under the aforementioned conditions will therefore be excluded from the guarantee. The seller's guarantee is in any case limited to the replacement or reimbursement of non-compliant products or products with defects.


Confidentiality and protection of personal data

Our web server automatically recognizes the domain name (of the access provider) and, where possible, the e-mail address of visitors to our site. We centralize domain names for statistical purposes. We use this information to improve the content of the pages on our site. PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL collects and processes personal data concerning the customer and the recipient of the order (except credit card number) in computerized form for the sole purpose of managing orders. In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, the customer has the right to access, rectify and object to all personal data concerning him/her. This right can be exercised by e-mail to the following address: [email protected] or by post to the following address: PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL Parc d'Activité Saint Antoine - boulevard Jules Sébastianelli 13011 Marseille - France In order to improve the performance of the site and your use of it, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL and its authorized service providers may use audience measurement and browsing tracking tools (such as cookies, tags, etc.). These tools do not allow us to identify you by name, but they do record information about your browsing habits and may be used in particular for specific commercial offers. We inform you that you may oppose the recording or use of these tools by configuring your browser to this effect. If the customer does not object, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL may, from time to time, communicate this information to carefully selected commercial partners.


Intellectual property

PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights relating to the PANIER DES SENS website and brand, or holds the related usage rights. Access to this website does not give you any right to the intellectual property rights relating to the site, which remains the exclusive property of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL.

The general structure of the site, as well as the elements accessible on the site, notably in the form of texts, photographs, images (animated or not), icons, maps, sounds, videos, software, databases, data and all other elements making up the site are the exclusive property of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL. You may not, under any circumstances, reproduce, represent, modify, transmit, publish, adapt, on any medium whatsoever, by any means whatsoever, or exploit in any way whatsoever, all or part of the site without the prior written authorization of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL.

You are hereby informed that this prohibition applies in particular, but not exclusively, to practices such as scrapping or the use of robots for the purpose of extracting or reproducing any element of the site, including the product offers presented therein, in particular for commercial purposes. You may not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL without its express prior written consent.

You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing the name or trademarks within PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL without the express prior written consent of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL. Any use of all or part of the site without prior authorization from PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL, for whatever reason, may result in appropriate action being taken, including infringement proceedings. The insertion of hypertext links to any part of the site is prohibited without the prior written authorization of PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL.



The products offered comply with current French legislation. PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL cannot be held responsible for the non-execution of an order following a case of force majeure, a stock shortage or the temporary or definitive unavailability of a product. PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL cannot be held responsible for any damage that may result from the purchase of the product.

PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL cannot be held responsible for any loss of documents, data or files linked to the use of its site.

In the case of professional purchases, PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL cannot be held responsible for any indirect damage such as operating loss, loss of profit, loss of chance, damage or costs. The publishing director may set up links to other websites or other Internet sources. However, as the publishing director is not the publisher of these sites, he has no control over their content. Consequently, the director of the publication cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the content of sites thus accessible, or for any collection and transmission of personal data, installation of cookies or any other process with the same ends, carried out by these sites.

PANIER DES SENS RETAIL SARL may not be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or consecutive to the dissemination by a third party of a virus via the www.panierdessens.fr site and liable to infect the computer system or configuration of a computer following connection to this site, use of this site, browsing on this site, downloading of all or part of the site's content.


Applicable law and settlement of disputes

The language of this contract is French. Any dispute relating to the interpretation and performance of these general terms and conditions of sale is subject to French law. In the absence of amicable settlement, the dispute will be brought before the competent courts and, if the law permits, before the courts of the jurisdiction of Marseille.